Age Requirement:
Travelers must be 16 years of age or older on July 8, 2015, for destinations outside of Florida. Children 15 and under are welcome to Florida destinations when accompanied by parent or guardian.
Passport Requirement:
Travelers must be 16 years of age or older on July 8, 2015, for destinations outside of Florida. Passport and immunizations required for all destinations outside of Florida. Traveler will need to provide passport and immunization records upon request before departure.
Destination Haiti - $1,299Destination Dominican Republic - $1,399Destination Florida (transportation included) - $899Destination Florida (you provide transportation) - $799Destination Costa Rica - $1,499General Conference Intern - $899
Payment Due Dates:
$100 deposit due within 30 days of registration $400 payment due by January 1, 2015Balance due by March 1, 2015
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
- Cancellation before May 8, full refund.
- Cancellation after May 8, but before June 15, refund all but $750 for international trips and $100 for all other.
- No refund if cancelled after June 15, 2015.
Please be sure participant names are spelled correctly and are as they appear on their passport for all international destinations.