Iranian European Church Network


The Iranian European Church Network (IECN) is the fruit of the 2016 Syrian Refugee Crisis. When Europe’s floodgates opened for unrestricted immigration, the Kingdom of God welcomed thousands of Iranians. Since the refugee crisis began, Greece has been a gateway of passage gateway, and the FM Church in Thessaloniki witnessed nearly a hundred baptisms. Most of those new believers landed in other parts of Europe, notably the U.K. Today, new Iranian FM Churches are growing in Liverpool and London. A weekly Zoom Bible study unites scattered Iranians in several European countries and even back in their homeland. In this season, the diaspora population of Iranians is a significant opportunity for the gospel outreach of the Church.

The Iranian European Church Network (IECN) has been established to address the unique needs of families who come to Europe, facing a very different culture and viewpoint of the Church. God has placed gifted Iranian leaders in some of the most secular areas of Europe. The Free Methodist Church in Europe and the IECN are working to connect and resource these diaspora leaders as they seek to develop churches that put Christ at the center of their communities.

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