Wesley Missionary Institute Construction

Five countries added to the FM family in West Africa over the last six years opened a great door of opportunity to us. But now we need many more cross-cultural workers. This brought about plans for Wesley Missionary Institute. The Institute is, as the name suggests, a school specifically designed to train Africans to be missionaries; to be cross-cultural gospel workers. Our school will have a primary focus on preparing workers to reach areas where the gospel has not reached. Spiritual formation will be an integral part of the training. All students will also be equipped to serve as tent-making missionaries, by receiving basic, small-scale business training. Most African missionaries are self-supporting. The Institute is slated to begin operating out of its first two buildings. But there will be six buildings to go, for full capacity. We are looking for help with those six. The total project is $550,000. The construction has begun with $100,000. If our aspiration for training these workers for West Africa resonates with you, and you can help with the remaining $450,000, please come on board with us!