Laurie Yost

Southeast Asia
Laurie is not new to Free Methodist World Missions. She and her family served in Mexico from 2006 to 2015. She and her husband, Brian, have recently moved to Mount Pleasant, Michigan, where he is the lead pastor of the Central Michigan Free Methodist Church. In her new role with FMWM-Asia, Laurie is the assistant to the director of the Shared Sustainability Initiative (SSI) in Asia. Specifically, she shares about this growing ministry in U.S. churches, providing information and building partnerships in the areas of prayer and finance. She also works with ministry team members in Creative Access Asia-IN, gathering information from pastors chosen to participate in the initiative. Laurie works closely with Scott, the SSI director, serving an administrative role, creating testimonials of how the program is changing lives, and developing documents and systems for tracking information on the many programs included in the Shared Sustainability Initiative.